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Unity RPG Dialogue & Quests: Intermediate C# Game Coding
Intro & Setup
Introduction: Battle Plan (2:37)
Architectural Overview: Recap (6:52)
Which Unity Version? (1:00)
Project Setup (3:10)
Dialogue Editor
Scriptable Object Primer (12:43)
Dialogue Scriptable Objects (12:45)
Showing A Custom Editor (13:17)
Opening An Asset Callback (10:20)
Drawing OnGUI (12:36)
Callback Mechanisms (14:17)
Adding A Default Node (10:41)
Editing Dynamic Data (10:48)
Implementing Undo (7:09)
Styling Nodes (13:46)
Dragging Nodes Part 1 (10:02)
Dragging Nodes Part 2 (12:38)
IEnumerables Primer (9:11)
Dictionaries For Lookups (19:37)
Drawing Bezier Curves (13:39)
Adding Nodes (14:07)
Deleting Nodes (6:52)
Linking Nodes (8:24)
Scroll Views (12:18)
Drag To Scroll (6:25)
Canvas Background (8:59)
Dialogue Node Scriptable Objects (13:35)
Asset Database (12:11)
Setters, Getters and Undo (22:17)
Sub Asset SetDirty Bug (3:36)
Alternating Speakers (10:21)
Unity UI Primer
Unity UI Basics (16:12)
Autolayout Groups (11:32)
Flexible and Minimum Height (10:47)
Nesting Layout Groups (15:38)
Layout Controllers (7:02)
Dialogue Gameplay
Atomic Design (10:40)
Mockup To Auto Layout (14:55)
Styling UI (8:50)
Dialogue Architecture (13:31)
Nested ScriptableObject Rename Bug (15:33)
Choosing A Random Response (17:49)
Choice UI (8:29)
Building A Choice List (8:35)
Choosing State (12:29)
Choosing A Node (8:05)
Starting A Dialogue (14:18)
Quitting A Dialogue (4:50)
IRaycastable Dialogue (12:06)
Triggering Dialogue Actions (12:12)
Dialogue Trigger Components (11:44)
Enemy Aggro Groups (8:48)
Conversant Names (5:19)
Quest List UI Outline (14:40)
Quest Tooltip Outline (7:54)
Tooltip Spawning & Show Hide (7:20)
Quest Scriptable Object (13:25)
Tooltip Quest Objectives (9:51)
Displaying Quest Progress (13:53)
Giving A Quest (12:15)
Quest Completion (12:48)
Saveable Quest Progress (15:27)
Rewards & Objective Descriptions (9:38)
Reward Giving & UI (17:57)
Gameplay Conditions In Dialogue (18:52)
Bug Fix & More Predicates (11:34)
Complex Conditions (17:17)
Wrap Up & Challenges (5:42)
All Downloads
Dialogue Scriptable Objects
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